Call for projects

The Éolien en Mer SIG launches two calls for projects.

The first call for projects is to study food webs and their development with the future construction of the Dieppe Le Tréport offshore wind farm.
The assignments will focus on estimating the biomass in the compartment, the flows between compartments, seasonal variations and the preparation of a thesis with ecosystem models.

The second call for projects involves bat transits at sea in the Eastern English Channel area.
The assignments will focus on cross-Channel transits with a genetic study and transits along the coastlines with an acoustic study, along with preparation of a thesis to assess the impacts of the construction and operation of the Dieppe Le Tréport wind farm on these transits.

Laboratories wishing to express their interest in one or other of the calls for projects should contact the coordinator, Emilie Praca, to obtain additional documents.